Livelihood Programs
Numerous lives have been touched and impacted year on year through Nishchaya Foundation , aspiring to create a more employable workforce and improve skills of youth and women that will enhance their earning potential. The focus of these programs is to improve the earning potential of our aspirants through skill building and empowerment socio-economic initiatives focussing on three key areas of development.Enhancing employable skills and soft skills development in a holistic manner developing key skill sets for employability is what these sustainable training programs focus on.

Blanket Distribution
We provide winter blankets and warm clothes to patients, people living on the streets, people living in slum and their children every winter. We run Blanket Donation Campaign, where we provide high-quality warm blankets to the underprivileged.There is no better gift than providing warm clothing to the needy during the winter season.Thousands of homeless experience bitterness of winter and are at great risk of suffering from severe illnesses, at the same time, it has given us an opportunity to serve humanity by donating blankets to the needy. There cannot be a bigger satisfaction than saving someone’s life.

Educational programs
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world and the most effective way to break out of the cycle of poverty.Nishchaya Foundation runs educational programs for underprivileged children who are under difficult circumstances, such as child labour, children of poorest of the parents, street and runaway children, disaster struck children and slum children. Special emphasis is given on girl education and women education, so that they and their families get empowered.Our organized planning and thorough research have helped us work efficiently and achieve a fast-response rate.

Clean Water
Unsafe water is responsible for more than one million deaths each year. It’s a leading risk factor for infectious diseases, exacerbates malnutrition, and is the most common cause of diarrhea.We provide access to safe water and sanitation in villages and places where it is not accessible.We work with local people and partners to install handpumps and provide thorough training seminars on the importance of clean water and good hygiene practices and its link to better health.We cunduct training sessions such as water treatment, sanitation, community health through hygiene, well drilling, hand pump installation and repair.

Tree plantation
Our obligation to look after out Mother Nature makes Tree Plantation drives one of the much awaited events in our organization. Every individual, associated with Nishchaya foundation strongly believes that planting a tree is as pious as giving life; if not more.We plant saplings and supports them to become trees.We have been creating urban and rural forests , support farmers with fruit trees, rejuvenate lakes and water bodies and install solar lamps in villages.We do all this with support from individuals and local bodies which wish to bring change to the society under their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives.

Healthcare Programs
Our healthcare programs improve the access to quality healthcare services for the poor and marginalised communities.By identifying the root causes of healthcare challenges, we work at the individual, community, and systemic levels to develop innovative solutions and provide quality healthcare services.Our main objective is improving of maternal health, child health and nutrition, and early identification and treatment of communicable diseases.Our healthcare programs are also designed for prevention and control of diseases such as Leprosy, Lymphatic Filariasis and other neglected diseases.